If I could ask the GENIE for one wish, it would be for people to stop hurting each other. The SECRET is LOVE. “Let’s Make People Human Again”

If I could ask the GENIE for one wish, it would be for people to stop hurting each other. The SECRET is LOVE. “Let’s Make People Human Again”
Life is like a Series of Steps. To get to the top of any chosen Goal, big or small, one must climb one step at a time, taking time to learn all the lessons along the way. There are no exceptions!
To feel discouraged is natural; And can be painful. But to stay discouraged is a choice only you can make. Hidden, somewhere, in every problem is the solution; Find it, get back in your life’s boat and move on. To give up is not a viable option!
Love is like a Master Gardener. It transforms and brings forth beauty from the unexpected.
Did you know love is the greatest power there is?
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