Our Goals or Dreams are like Seeds. Once planted, whether they are short-term or long term goals, none is accomplished without persistent nurturing. Don’t give up on your dreams.

Our Goals or Dreams are like Seeds. Once planted, whether they are short-term or long term goals, none is accomplished without persistent nurturing. Don’t give up on your dreams.
Good things don’t come easy. Regardless of what they are – fine dinning, a masterly piece of art, raising a loving family or developing a rewarding career, fulfilment in life comes with persistent willingness to achieve your goals. Don’t allow fear, of any sort, to hold you back.
Life is like a Series of Steps. To get to the top of any chosen Goal, big or small, one must climb one step at a time, taking time to learn all the lessons along the way. There are no exceptions!
Don’t go through life without questions. Because, then, you’ll have no answers. Without answers, learning is impossible; Soon, ignorance and failure become the reward! Choose to be Hungry for Something, my friends. HAPPY NEW YEAR.
May Your Heart, and those of your loved ones, be filled with lots of Love this Season and Beyond! Happy Holidays & a joyous, Peacful and highly, Productive new year. From: The Ukala Family, LetsDip-inLove.com, LoveDipQoutes & Clinical Dialogues in Hospital Medicine by G C Ukala.
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