We are more than to be born, live once and die. That which Sees, Speaks, Hears and Feels in our dreams while the body sleeps cannot be bound by the shackles of flesh, time and death. That’s who we are – Soul, a Particle of God.
Sign From God
Whenever you are hard-pressed for a solution to a problem, and you are looking to the high Heavens or the Mountains for a sign, often, the answer is right there at your feet! Sometimes, you only need to have the Grace to look.
God’s Never Failing Assurance
The Sun that Brightens our Lives, though sometimes hidden behind the clouds and mountains, is given – always! What we don’t have enough of are patience and faith.
The Purpose of Evil
Evil won’t be going anywhere soon. Better believe it! And God allows it for a reason. For, how else would we learn to Love instead of hate? In the end, Good will Always Prevail.
The Sting of Death
The pain of losing a loved one through death hits hardest in our hearts. Remember that Love also lives in our hearts, in abundance! In moments of grief, go within, for that’s where our true strength lies.